Lawn Fertilization & Weed Control

The Benefits of Lawn Fertilization and Weed Control

The grass in your beautiful lawn needs nutrients to stay healthy, thick, and strong. Adding fertilization and weed control to your lawn during throughout the year provides your grass the best growing environment possible. Because of the extreme weather we have had in Des Moines and surrounding, we have implemented a SIX STEP lawn care program. Additionally, this program has a prepay option where you can save 10%.  Call us today to arrange a free estimate. 515.822.1008

An annual treatment plan provides:

  • Nutrients to increase growth of roots and leaves.
  • Stronger grass that is more resistant to high traffic, pests and drought.
  • Fewer weeds that are unsightly and hinder grass growth.

Lawn Fertilization Program

Early Spring
A well-balanced granular pre-emergent/fertilizer is applied to control jump start the growth of your grass and control crab and weed types of ‘grasses’.
(Applied the second week of March through mid-April)

We will return Mid Spring to apply another application of our well-balanced granular pre-emergent/fertilizer.  This is done to provide the extra boost our stressed lawns had to go go through last year.  It is applied to encourage the growth of your grass and control crab and weed types of ‘grasses’.

Late Spring 
A granular fertilizer is used on your lawn to promote growth and includes a broadleaf weed control.
(Applied mid-April through mid-May)

Slow release fertilizer, with iron and essential nutrients are applied to help your grass survive and thrive.

Grub Control**
We perform grub and insect control for season-long protection against these pests.
(Applied through July)

Late Summer / Early Fall*
Fertilization and broadleaf control will bring your lawn back to its lush, green appearance that may have been lost through the stress of the summer heat.
(Applied mid-August to early October)

Fertilization prepares your lawn for the winter and for a quicker green up in the spring.
(Applied mid-October to mid-December)

All chemical applications are performed by our knowledgeable crew of experts in accordance with current county, state, and federal laws, utilizing EPA registered materials and methods of applications. This allows for fewer applications which can save you money while still providing you the yard you deserve.

* Please remember we can only control those weeds showing at the time of application.

** We recommend grub control and/or surface insect control on all lawns, as they can cause extensive damage and can especially wreck a lawn under drought conditions.

Note: Due to abnormal weather conditions throughout the growing season, our specialists may change the rate or timing for maximum performance of the product, or change analysis depending on soil conditions. In the event of turf insects, nutgrass infestations, or fungus problems, you will receive notification and pricing (these services are excluded unless specifically stated on your contract).