About Thatch
Thatch is a natural part of a healthy lawn. It helps keep moisture in on hot days and protects the roots from varying temperatures. However, too much mulch can restrict grass from growing.
Excess thatch can be caused by:
- Over fertilizing
- Watering too much
- Too much clay in the soil
- Consistently leaving the grass too tall when mowing
Excess that is also know to occur with different types of grasses such as:
- St. Augustinegrass
- Bermudagrass
- Zoysiagrass
- Bentgrass
- Aggressive Kentucky Bluegrass varieties
Does Your Lawn Need Dethatching?
Test your lawn to see if it needs dethatching.
Feel the lawn. A thick layer of thatch often gives lawns a springy or spongy feel. Too much thatch can give your grass an unhealthy bounce.
Look at your lawn. If you look closely, can you see the crowns of the grass and soil between them? Can you put your finger through the visible thatch and easily reach dirt? If you can’t, you’re probably looking at a layer of thatch that is too thick.
Measure the thatch. Take a trowel or spade and cut out a patch to cut out a small patch of grass 3-4” deep. If the that layer is more than ¾” it’s time to have your lawn dethatched.