Lawn & Landscape Maintenance
One little known service we offer is Landscape Bed Maintenance. Trying to keep up with the business of everyday life, work, house chores, maintenance, family…. The list goes on. The best way to ensure the quality of your landscape is to hire a professional to complete that task for you. Let us be the BOSS of your lawn and landscape needs.
Spring Cleanup
- Debris removal
- Cultivation of beds
- Spaded edging of beds
- Application of slow release fertilizer
- Application of pre-emergent weed control
- Mulching or top-dressing
- Spring pruning
- Planting of annuals
Early Summer Maintenance
- Weeding
- Spaded edging
- Pruning of spring flowering trees and shrubs
- Pruning of evergreens
Late Summer Maintenance
- Weeding and edging
- Dead heading perennials and annuals
- Pruning as needed
- Lawn needs evaluated
Fall Care & Winterizing
- Cleanup of beds
- Cutting back perennials
- Removal of dead annuals
- Removal of leaves and debris
- Winterizing & Dormant Pruning
- Pruning of all summer flowering shrubs
- Dead wood removal